| Millennium Technology Prize
Cecilia Tortajada in an interview
Meet our new member of the Millennium Technology Prize’s International Selection Committee, Dr. Cecilia Tortajada. She works on impacts of global changes, water resources, environment, food and energy at National University of Singapore. “I expect this prize to stress the social value of technological development even further and how it has been used to improve the quality of life of human kind”, she says.Read more ›
| Millennium Technology Prize
Why do we need the Millennium Technology Prize?
Päivi Törmä, a professor at Aalto University and the Chair of the Millennium Technology Prize International Selection Committee, highlights the importance of the Prize. Törmä encourages all organizations around the world to nominate candidates for the 2020 Millennium Technology Prize. Watch the video!Read more ›
| ICT & Smart Systems , Millennium Technology Prize
How the 2018 MTP innovation evolved from science fiction to reality
Doctor Tuomo Suntola has seen ALD develop from the first product demo in the 70s to crucial smartphone technology now found in everyone’s pockets.Read more ›
| Life Sciences & Health , Materials & Manufacturing , Millennium Technology Prize
Frances Arnold is the third Millennium Tech Prize winner to receive the Nobel prize
The 2016 Millennium Technology Prize winner Frances Arnold won the 2018 Nobel prize in chemistry and is now the third person to have won these two prestigious prizes.Read more ›
| ICT & Smart Systems , Millennium Technology Prize
Millennium 2018: Finland is at the forefront of ALD research
Finnish technology makes computers smaller, brightens up jewellery and kills hospital bacteria. As the Millennium-winning ALD technology was originally developed in Finland, research in the field continues to prosper here.Read more ›
| Millennium Technology Prize
Video: the Millennium Technology Prize Gala 2018 in one minute
Dr. Tuomo Suntola was awarded the one-million-euro technology prize in Finland in May 2018.Read more ›
| Millennium Technology Prize
The 2018 Millennium Technology Prize innovation ALD
Our IT devices are smaller and smaller but more and more powerful. Watch the video to learn why.Read more ›
| ICT & Smart Systems , Millennium Technology Prize
2018 Millennium Technology Prize for Tuomo Suntola for enabling smart technology
Finnish physicist Tuomo Suntola’s innovative technology, atomic layer deposition (ALD), has made our lives with high efficiency smartphones, computers and social media possible. ALD technology also offers medical and sustainable energy applications. The President of the Republic of Finland Mr Sauli Niinistö presented the eighth Millennium Technology Prize in Helsinki on 22 May 2018.Read more ›
| Millennium Technology Prize
Video: MTP partners apply many awarded innovations
The Millennium Technology Prize's partners use many awarded MTP innovations in their business and research.Read more ›
| Life Sciences & Health , Millennium Technology Prize
Arnold’s MTP innovation thriving: medicines and fuels with natural selection
American biochemist Frances Arnold was awarded the Millennium Technology Prize for her research on directed evolution in 2016. Arnold has developed a new and quick method for modifying proteins that mimics natural selection in a laboratory setting.Read more ›
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