Technology Academy Finland

Technology Academy Finland (TAF) awards the global one-million-euro Millennium Technology Prize and runs associated events and initiatives.

The Millennium Technology Prize is the preeminent €1 million award focused on technological innovations for a better life. The winning innovations are scientifically rigorous, globally accessible, and uniquely significant in their field.

TAF’s agenda:

One of TAF’s strengths is the tripartite cooperation between industry, governmental organizations and the scientific community and its extensive network in all these sectors. The three sectors are also represented in the TAF Board and in the different committees.

TAF started operating under the name of the Finnish Technology Award Foundation in 2003. In 2005, the name changed to the Millennium Prize Foundation. The name was changed to the Technology Academy Finland in 2008.

TAF’s mission:

Technology Academy Finland (TAF) governs and develops the Millennium Technology Prize, increases public awareness of the Prize and ensures its high academic standard. TAF provides an international meeting ground for corporate life, academia and policymakers, and improves Finland’s position in the global community.

  • The Board ensures that the foundation’s activities are executed in a proper manner and that the organisation’s funds are invested in safe and appropriate ways. The Board is also responsible for appointing the foundation’s President and CEO and members of the Executive Committee.

    Academic founding organisations

    • In the picture Chair of the board of Technology Academy Finland Professor Minna Palmroth

      Minna Palmroth

      Chair of the board, Professor, University of Helsinki

    • Mikko Hupa, Chair of the Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in Finland STV

      Mikko Hupa

      The Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in Finland STV

    • Juho Malmerg The Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion TES, Chair of the Board

      Juho Malmberg

      The Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion TES

    • Arto Timperi, Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK

      Arto Timperi

      Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK

    Trade and industry

    • Image of Dr. Manja Ahola, Bayer

      Manja Ahola

      Representative of Confederation of Finnish Industries EK

    • In the picture member of the board of Technology Academy Finland, Tapani Kiiski

      Tapani Kiiski

      Representative of the Federation of Finnish Technology Industries

    • In this picture is Board Member of Technology Academy Finland, Päivi Leiwo

      Päivi Leiwo

      Representative of the Federation of Finnish Technology Industries

    • In the picture member of the board of Technology Academy Finland, Marjo Miettinen

      Marjo Miettinen

      Representative of Confederation of Finnish Industries EK


    • President of Sitra, Atte Jääskeläinen

      Atte Jääskeläinen

      President, Sitra

    • In this picture is Board Member of Technology Academy Finland, Nina Kopola

      Nina Kopola

      Director General, Business Finland

    • Photo of Jarkko Levasma, Director General, The Ministry of Finance, ICT Department

      Jarkko Levasma

      Government Chief Information Officer, Director General, Ministry of Finance

    • Director General of the Innovation and Enterprise Financing Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment Juhapekka Ristola

      Juhapekka Ristola

      Director General, Innovation and Enterprise Financing, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment


    • Image of rector Keijo Hämäläinen, University of Tampere,

      Keijo Hämäläinen

      Rector, Tampere University

    • Rector Sari Lindblom, University of Helsinki

      Sari Lindblom

      Rector, University of Helsinki

    • Rector Mikael Lindfelt, Åbo Akademi University

      Mikael Lindfelt

      Rector, Åbo Akademi University

    • In this picture is Board Member of Technology Academy Finland, Jouko Niinimäki

      Jouko Niinimäki

      Rector, University of Oulu

    • In the picture Chair of the board of Technology Academy Finland Professor Minna Palmroth

      Minna Palmroth

      Chair of the board, Professor, University of Helsinki

    • Mikko Hupa, Chair of the Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in Finland STV

      Mikko Hupa

      The Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in Finland STV

    • In this picture is Board Member of Technology Academy Finland, Päivi Leiwo

      Päivi Leiwo

      Representative of the Federation of Finnish Technology Industries


    Markku Ellilä, CEO, Technology Academy Finland

  • Chair

    • Markku Ellilä

      Markku Ellilä


    • Timo Leino

      Timo Leino

      LL.M., Chairman of the Board, Linnea Capital Oy

    • Juho Malmerg The Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion TES, Chair of the Board

      Juho Malmberg

      The Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion TES

    • In the picture member of the board of Technology Academy Finland, Marjo Miettinen

      Marjo Miettinen

      Representative of Confederation of Finnish Industries EK

  • Mission of the Committee is to identify and define the innovation branch in Finland and the most significant phenomena for it. The Committee aims to run a diverse discussion on the issue from different point of views in order that Technology Academy Finland for its part can promote the issue on a most prominent way for Finland.

    The Committee acts like a think tank, meetings are being held at least two times a year.

    Chair of the committee

    • Riikka Heikinheimo, Confederation of Finnish Industries EK



    • Mika Hannula, University of Turku
    • Janne Laine, Aalto University
    • Jukka Mönkkönen, University of Eastern Finland
    • Anne Portaankorva, University of Helsinki
    • Jarmo Takala, University of Tampere

    Trade and industry

    • Saara Hassinen, Federation of Finnish Technology Industries
    • Jaana Hyvärinen, Kone
    • Harri Junttila, Alma Talent
    • Jenni Lukander, Nokia
    • Lars Peter Lindfors, Neste
    • Johanna Sipola, International Chamber of Commerce
    • Petri Takala, Academic Engineers and Architects TEK
    • Hannu Talvitie, Vaisala
    • Markku Teräsvasara, Metso
    • Pekka Tiitinen, ABB


    • Markku Ellilä, Technology Academy Finland
    • Mika Hannula, Finnish Academy of Technical Sciences
    • Mikko Hupa, The Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in Finland
    • Risto Nieminen, Finnish Academy of Science and Letters

    Public sector and decision makers

    • Mikko Dufva, Sitra
    • Erja Heikkinen, Ministry of Education and Culture
    • Stefan Lindström, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
    • Riitta Maijala, Academy of Finland
    • Antti Pelkonen,  Prime Minister’s Office
    • Päivi Sillanaukee, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
    • Heikki Uusi-Honko, Business Finland

    Secretary: Markku Ellilä, Technology Academy Finland

  • The Communication Committee’s mission is to highlight the importance of research, knowledge and innovation for the well-being and future development of society, and to promote Finland as a high-tech country. The members of the Committee represent Millennium Technology Prize partner universities and companies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, Sitra (the Finnish Innovation Fund), Business Finland, TEK (Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland), Healthtech Finland and the Research Council of Finland.

    Chair of the Committee:

    • Saara Hassinen, CEO, Healthtech Finland, Federation of Finnish Technology Industries


    • Thurid Eriksson, Director of Communications, Åbo Akademi University
    • Katrina Jurva, Head of Content and Media, Aalto University
    • Tuomas Koivula, Managing Editor, University of Turku
    • Liisa Kuvaja, Brand and Communications Director, LUT University
    • Risto Löf, Head of Communications, University of Eastern Finland
    • Johanna Pellinen, Communications Manager, University of Helsinki
    • Hanna-Mari Soini, Director of Marketing and Communications, University of Vaasa
    • Anna-Kaisa Säkkinen, Director of Communications, University of Jyväskylä
    • Anni Ylinen, Communications Specialist, Tampere University
    • Ville Wittenberg, Science Communications Specialist, University of Oulu

    • Katja Antila, CEO and Senior Stakeholder communications, Nokia
    • Jenni Hovi-Seppä, Marketing Manager, Alma Talent
    • Tommi Manninen, SVP, communications and public affairs, Enersense
    • Helena Marjaranta, VP, Communications & Brand, Metso
    • Aleksi Moisio, Communications Lead, OP Financial Group
    • Mira Nupponen, Global Communications Manager & Business Partner, Kone
    • Laura Peltonen, Communications Manager, Neste
    • Satu Perälampi, Head of Country Communications, ABB
    • Tarja Österberg, Communications Manager, Vaisala

    • Pinja Hentunen, Communications Specialist, Research Council of Finland
    • Tomi Korhonen, Executive Director, Communications, Business Finland
    • Samuli Laita, Deputy Communications Manager, Sitra
    • Merina Salminen, Director of Communications, TEK
    • Kirsi Vanamo-Santacruz, Deputy Director General, Department for Communications, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    • Markku Ellilä, CEO, Technology Academy Finland
    • Laura Manas, Communications Manager, Technology Academy Finland
    • Minna Zaknoun, Communications assistant, Technology Academy Finland

    More information:
    Laura Manas
    Communications Manager, Technology Academy Finland
    +358 500 989 286

Technology Academy Finland is a participant of the
UN Global Compact initiative that supports the United Nations’ universal principles and Sustainable Development Goals. It has more than 17 000 member organizations around the world.

Read our Communication on Engagement of the practical actions that we have taken to support the initiative.

Partners of the Millennium Technology Prize