| ICT & Smart Systems
Blog: Crowdsourcing Human-Centric Digital Health Breakthroughs
The Internet is just amazing. In addition to funny cat videos and an infinite supply of reaction GIFs, for us curious scientists it offers a magical opportunity to reach people – a lot of them – at a scale that is difficult to comprehend. And scale is good when you are building new digital health applications.Read more ›
| Life Sciences & Health , Millennium Technology Prize
What is the value of persistence in an innovation process? A discussion with Millennium Technology Prize winner Robert Langer and applied psychology researcher Elisabet Lahti
Innovation is not solely about groundbreaking ideas; it’s about the perseverance and determination to push boundaries even when faced with challenges. We interviewed Millennium Technology Prize winner Robert Langer and applied psychology researcher Elisabet Lahti to understand what it takes to succeed in the long game of impactful innovation.Read more ›
| Diversity , ICT & Smart Systems , Materials & Manufacturing
Interview with Lulu Zhang from KONE: ”The many opportunities for women in tech go beyong just coding”
“There are so many opportunities in tech, and not everything is coding,” explains Lulu Zhang, head of Digital Enabling Platforms at KONE IT. During almost two decades in the IT sector, Lulu has taken the plunge into new waters many times. Read more ›
| Young Researchers
“Discussing science and technology directly with the pioneers of the field was surreal” – The Global Young Scientists Summit exceeded the expectations of our participants from Finland
The ten top young scientists nominated from Finland to Singapore’s reputed conference returned home inspired, and with many new ideas and connections from around the world.Read more ›
| Energy & Environment , ICT & Smart Systems
How is AI transforming innovation at companies and universities? Three innovation leaders share their experiences
AI has rapidly changed how we work, making ideation and creative work less dependent on human thinking. So, how exactly does AI change the way researchers and R&D units innovate? We discussed the topic with three innovation and research leaders from Neste, OP Financial Group and the University of Helsinki.Read more ›
| Millennium Technology Prize , Young Researchers
10 top young scientists from Finland accepted to Singapore’s reputed Global Young Scientists Summit
Technology Academy Finland had the honor of nominating candidates from Finland for the Global Young Scientists Summit 2024 in Singapore. Ten top young scientists from Finnish universities and research centers will participate in this prestigious conference in January.Read more ›
| Energy & Environment , Millennium Technology Prize
Enersense becomes Millennium Technology Prize partner
The energy company Enersense International has started cooperation as a Millennium Technology Prize partner. The Millennium Technology Prize and Enersense share a core value of making sustainability a priority.Read more ›
| Energy & Environment , Millennium Technology Prize
Video: Behind the Scenes in Finland with Martin Green, 2022 Millennium Technology Prize winner
Scientia Professor Martin Green was awarded with the Millennium Technology Prize in 2022, for his innovation that enables the world to have cheap and efficient solar technology, and helping us give up fossil energy. In October 2023, Martin Green returned to Finland to exchange insights on the future of energy. Read more ›
| Diversity , Young Researchers
Attracting global talents: An interview with Iranian researcher Sanaz Zarabi in Finland
Future innovations require talented people who are given supportive environments to work for world-changing solutions. The desire for educated, international talents is growing around the world, especially in countries with quickly aging populations. We interviewed Sanaz Zarabi, an iranian PhD student in Finland, to understand better what makes a country attractive to global talents.Read more ›
How to spot the innovations that will shape the future: a discussion with Vinod Khosla and Inka Mero
In the innovation landscape, there is a crucial distinction between innovations that merely generate revenue and those that have the power to reshape the world as we know it. We spoke to seasoned investors Vinod Khosla and Inka Mero and asked how to recognise the innovations that have the potential to create a lasting and meaningful impact on society.Read more ›