Video: Watch the 2021 Millennium Innovation Forum event recordings

The 2021 Millennium Innovation Forum was organized as a semi-virtual event in Finland on 19 May 2021.
The big picture
The session addressed the grand challenges of the world, explored research and technology as drivers of innovative and sustainable growth.
Don’t miss the future
The session addressed megatrends, weak signals and continuous change. What will our future look like? How can we explore, predict and shape it? How will technology help us reach the Sustainable Development Goals?
Building a better life
The session gave a wide perspective on how futuristic innovations and emerging breakthrough technologies enable and impact the well-being of societies and their citizens. The theme was opened up by the speakers focusing on their own area of expertise and further elucidated in the round table discussion on how fast technological changes impact the future of mankind.
2020 Millennium Technology Prize Lecture, Millennium Youth Prize Awarding ceremony and Millennium Innovation Forum concluding remarks
(0:00:30) Introduction of the 2020 Millennium Technology Prize Lecture Ilkka Niemelä, President, Aalto University, Finland
(0:04:52) Introduction of the 2020 Millennium Technology Prize Winners by Academy Professor Päivi Törmä, Chair of the International Selection Committee
(0:08:46) Millennium Technology Prize Lecture by Millennium Technology Prize Winners Professors Shankar Balasubramanian and David Klenerman
(0:42:58) Millennium Youth Prize Awarding ceremony
(0:53:25) Millennium Innovation Forum Concluding remarks by Antti Vasara, President & CEO, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Finland.
(1:04:43) The Future by Markku Ellilä, CEO, Technology Academy Finland TAF