| Millennium Youth Prize
Millennium Youth Prize winners’ solution improves self-sufficiency by combining bokashi and biochar
A team of junior high school students and kindergarteners won the Millennium Youth Prize, a challenge-based contest for innovators aged 19 and younger, inspired by the Millennium Technology Prize.Read more ›
| ICT & Smart Systems , Millennium Technology Prize Forum
“We always try to solve the most extreme version of a problem” – Thierry Klein from Nokia Bell Labs shares how to make an industrial research laboratory thrive
They created the transistor, they’re working on 6G and now they’re enabling a cellular network on the Moon. Nokia Bell Labs has quite a few innovations under its belt, and more are coming. How exactly have they stayed at the cutting edge of innovation for almost a hundred years?Read more ›
| Millennium Technology Prize
Millennium Technology Prize Opens its Nomination Period at the 20-year Milestone of the Prize
One of the world’s leading technology prizes, Millennium Technology Prize, will be awarded for the next time on 30 October 2024, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Prize. The global…Read more ›
| Millennium Technology Prize
Why Nominate Someone for the Millennium Technology Prize? The Award Can Impact the Individual, the Industry and Society at Large
After winning the prize in 2018, Tuomo Suntola has been actively sharing the story of atomic layer deposition (ALD) on different stages. He firmly believes that prizes such as this serve as a crucial conduit for the general audience to gain insights into the innovation process.Read more ›
| Millennium Technology Prize , Young Researchers
Blog: What is the Common Factor Between Prizes for Science and Technology?
Global technology and science prizes are crucial advocates of research-based knowledge. Millennium Technology Prize winners joined Nobel Laureates, Fields Medalists, and a Turing award winner in the Global Young Scientist…Read more ›
| Diversity
“Remember to Ask for What you Deserve” – This is How Chief Innovation Officer, Amy Chen Built a Successful Career in Technology
Diversity is a driving force of innovation, but unfortunately, the technology and science industries still face challenges in creating equal representation and opportunities for women. Amy Chen, Chief Innovation Officer…Read more ›
TAF:n ja Tutkaksen jouluglögit
Tekniikan Akatemia -säätiö ja tutkijoiden ja kansanedustajien seura Tutkaksen perinteiset jouluglögit Eduskunnassa 30.11.2022. Tilaisuudessa oli läsnä suuri joukko Tutkaksen jäseniä, kansanedustajia sekä Tekniikan Akatemia -säätiön kutsuvieraita. Alla TAF:n toimitusjohtajan Markku…Read more ›
| Millennium Technology Prize
Speech by Professor Päivi Törmä, Chair of the International Selection Committee of the Millennium Technology Prize
Mr President, your excellencies, honoured guests, Professor Green, my warmest congratulations. The Millennium Technology prize is awarded to innovations that improve people’s quality of life, or support sustainable development. The…Read more ›
| Millennium Technology Prize
Minna Palmroth Presents the Winner of the 2022 Millennium Technology Prize in Award Ceremony
Mr President, your excellencies – dear friends: Serendipity. This is a word, which means finding valuable things without planning to do so. It’s based on the story of three princes…Read more ›
| Millennium Technology Prize
First Frontier Innovation Leaders: Video Series
Millennium Technology Prize partner companies are innovation leaders at the forefront of R&D development. Welcome to the First Frontiers! ABB ABB Green Electrification 2035 is about making a carbon-neutral society…Read more ›