| Millennium Technology Prize
How ALD technology made the world lighter
The 2018 Millennium Technology Prize winner, Tuomo Suntola, looks back on his innovation that revolutionised electronics As today’s devices become ever smaller and more portable, it’s worth remembering that they…Read more ›
| Millennium Innovation Forum
Blog: Why Now, More Than Ever, Technology Students Need to be Well-rounded
Tech can no longer be developed for tech’s sake. It must serve diverse human needs In the last thirty years, technology has changed faster than ever before in human history.…Read more ›
| Life Sciences & Health
Artificial Carbon Sinks Explained
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an essential element of life. It is in the air we breathe and plants need it to photosynthesise and grow. Too much CO2 in the air,…Read more ›
| Energy & Environment , Millennium Innovation Forum
Blog: Using Sustainable Technology to Catalyze Circular Economies by Leena Aarikka-Stenroos
Societies, companies and economies desperately need more environmentally sustainable technologies. Climate change challenges businesses and cities, worldwide. We must all move quickly towards new operating models. We should avoid creating…Read more ›
| Millennium Technology Prize
Millennium Technology Prize goes SuomiAreena in July
Millennium Technology Prize will be attending SuomiAreena for the very first time. Welcome to join us on 14.7.2022 at 14.00 at SuomiAreena's Raatihuoneenpuiston lava! On July 14, Millennium Technology Prize…Read more ›
| Energy & Environment , Millennium Innovation Forum
Finding the numbers to unlock cleaner air
Leading expert on aerosol and environmental physics Professor Markku Kulmala on why the whole world needs to work together to provide data to solve pollution and the climate crisis Human…Read more ›
| Energy & Environment , Millennium Innovation Forum
Blog: Smart use of data for a sustainable future by Ville Voipio
We can use complex information from numerous sources to conquer environmental problems, if we’re thoughtful and fair. But while advanced data analytics – such as machine learning and deep learning…Read more ›
| Life Sciences & Health
Wearable, external exoskeletons make workingin difficult positions easier. Musculoskeletal disorders are among the most common reasons for sick leave and early retirement. If work conditions cannot be changed, the exertion…Read more ›
| Millennium Technology Prize
Video: We asked the Millennium Technology Prize 2020 winners what they are researching today
Listen to Professor Sir David Klenerman's and Professor Sir Shankar Balasubramanian's latest news on Alzheimer's and Cancer research and their explanation of what is epigenetics and how it can be used in prevention and slowing down of certain diseases. Read more ›
| ICT & Smart Systems
Supergraph: The information network under the sea
Submarine communication cables form the internet’s system of veins that enables the distribution of data to an increasing number of countries, ever more quickly. When the first cross-continental submarine communication…Read more ›